Wednesday, August 12, 2009

The State of Assistive Technology – The Good, The Bad & The Ugly

If you read my last blog post you know that in June the Tetra Society of North America held a forum to address the issues surrounding assistive technology, especially in the province of Ontario. For everyone who’s unfamiliar with this term, "assistive technology" or AT refers to any device including software or hardware – high-tech or low-tech – that helps people with disabilities to live life as fully as possible. Assistive technology can include mobility aids, devices to help with other basic daily activities, or software and hardware that helps people to access their computer.

At the forum Tetra heard from a variety of people who use assistive technology, as well as family members of AT users, people working in the disability field, and AT manufacturers. After the forum, Tetra put together a report on the major issues that were discussed that day, and it’s been sent to a wide range of people, including journalists and government officials. If you’re interested in reading this report here are two links where you can check it out. – this is the original report in PDF format. – this is a large-print, sans-serif version the same report in PDF format.